Journey through the Bible
August 4, 2015 at 8:30 PM
Beginning in August, on Tuesday nights @ 6:30 pm we want to take you on a Journey through the Bible!
We plan to take the next two years to teach you an overview of all of God's Word...from Genesis to Revelation!
- Pastor Morris Pruit, will be the primary preacher/teacher on Tuesday nights.
- We will generally take two weeks to cover each book of the Bible.
- We want to encourage each one of you to pray about joining us for this adventure! Why?
Although Dad and I have studied the Bible in both college & seminary, we actually learned more by studying with this guide!
- You can read every word of the Bible in the next two years!
- You can gain a real and solid grasp on the teaching and the truth of all of God's Word.
- We believe this study will change both you/your life and our church for the better!
You will get the most out of this study by doing the following:
- Purchase a study guide for yourself - Through the Bible in One Year, Dr. Alan B. Stringfellow
- This guide will serve as a road map for our study. The textbook is THE BIBLE!
- We will order these in bulk and have them available at PCCC...approx. $15 each.
- Read the Bible...assigned passage each week. It should require about 15 minutes per day.
- Read and complete the lesson in the guide before Tuesday night teaching time. This should take another 15 minutes per week.
- Winter Residents!!! Please plan to join us! You can join us by LIVESTREAMING!
Please order your study guide directly from
Study Guide, shipping and handling will run you just over $15...not sure about our Canadian friends!
Next step?
- Sign up tonight or Sunday morning so we can make sure we order enough of the guides!
- If you cannot be with us tonight or Sunday, reply to this email with your name(s) and phone number!
- Winter Residents/Livestream members - reply to this email and let us know you plan to join us! (And don't forget to order your guide online!)
- As always, invite someone else to take this journey with you!!!